About Us
Materials Characterization and Preparation Facility (MCPF(CWB)) is a central facility intensively serving the academic researchers and postgraduate students in schools of science and engineering for the preparation, characterization and analysis of various advanced materials. In addition to serving HKUST, MCPF also provides services to Hong Kong sister institutions and clients from government laboratories and regional industries. Since the MCPF was established in 1991, it has become an indispensable central facility in HKUST.

MCPF(CWB) provides services mainly for academic research in HKUST. It bridges the departments and acts as a coordinator in interdisciplinary studies. It houses a wide variety of state-of-the-art multidisplinary instrumentation which is supported by a team of dedicated experience staff. To enhance interactions between the users and of our facility and improve the services, MCPF offers training courses and workshops regularly...


MCPF(CWB) possess a wide range of sophisticated and modern equipment needed for in-house and collaborative materials research. It consists of eleven main research laboratories for sample preparation, optical characterization, surface analysis, electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, electrical and magnetic characterization, thin film deposition, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction.

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